❤️ BooBee Milk Club Every Monday at Joy Connection

❤️ BooBee Milk Club Every Monday at Joy Connection

Who Am I?

I’m a busy mum to 7 humans, trainee IBCLC and have 18 years of my own breastfeeding experience. I am also tandem feeding my 4 year old and 1 year old.

My first breastfeeding journey started in 2006 and was less than straight forward. Since then I have developed a passion for supporting feeding families to achieve their breastfeeding goals, however they may look.

After completing many varied infant feeding based training courses I am now embarking on the journey to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant or IBCLC. This is the highest level of training within the field of infant feeding and requires 95 hours of lactation training, 14 health sciences, 1000 clinical hours and passing a 4 hour exam.

How Can I Help?

Breastfeeding is one of the most wonderful things you can do for your little one but that doesn’t mean that your journey won’t have bumps along the way. I love dispelling myths and empowering mothers/parents to embrace normal infant behaviour. With this knowledge comes power and theres nothing a powerful mother can’t do.

I offer a weekly FREE support and social group on a Monday called BooBee Milk Club and also 1 hour 1:1 breastfeeding consultations on a Thursday (please be aware that there is a consult fee) at the amazing Joy Connection in Bury St Edmunds where you can join me in a safe space to discuss any feeding issues or questions you may have.

Here are just a few areas within breastfeeding that I can support you with. If you’re unsure then please get in touch for a informal chat.

  • Lots of people will through the quote around the ‘breastfeeding is natural’ which I passionately feel misleads parents and sets them up to fail. Breastfeeding is indeed natural but it’s a skill that needs to be worked on. The best time to learn about feeding is during pregnancy when things can seem a little calmer and those pesky hormones aren’t wreaking havoc just after birth. Book in for a chat to learn abut what to expect when little oe arrives and get ahea of the game.

  • Little one has arrived and lie has suddenly become suer intense. Everyone is telling you that your nipples just need to toughen up but the thought of feeding you baby one more time is tantamount to torture. Join me for a consult to discuss tips and tricks to navigating this full on time and how to kick start your breastfeeding journey.

  • Struggling to understand your cross cradle from your koala, your laid back from your side lying? Wondering why its hurting and can’t seem to get little one to open their mouth wide?

    I can demonstrate some simple tweaks hat can sometimes make all the difference. From making sure little one isn’t armpit feeding or maybe needing to hold back on the feeding pillows. Sometimes the smaller changes can make all the difference.

  • Little on feeding ALL the time… Never happy when you lay them down in their Moses basket?? These are all parts of understanding newborn infant behaviour something our society seems to forget. When we expand our understanding it can often make things seem simpler and more logical which can help us navigate the more intense days. Having a safe space to talk through all these things can really make things more bearable.

  • Sore nipples, perceived low milk supply, baby not happy being put down? Using nipple shields, weaning off nipple shields? What An earth are silver cups and which nipple cream is the best??

    All these things are super common things that crop up in or feeding journeys but can make or break it. There can sometimes be simple fixes or just understanding the reasons behind some of these issues can help bring patience.

  • Support for starting breastfeeding is scarce but even less when you want to stop. Feeling empowered and informed on how to wean from the breast the way you wish two can be key to navigating all those pesky hormones that can make an appearance when feeding ceases. Join me to learn about how to gently when from the breast making it a joyful celebration of what you and your little one have achieved.

Support FAQ’s

I’ve tried to answer the most common questions I get asked but if you find its not covered then do get in contact via the button below.

  • At the moment I run a weekly consult session at the amazing Joy Connection along side the fabulous Suffolk Slings sling library. Baby wearing and breastfeeding really go hand in hand so it fits perfectly to have these two oppotunites for support. I also offer a FREE support session on Monday mornings also at Joy Connection

  • At the moment my consults are £40 per hour. I feel this is an appropriate charge and hopefully makes tailored support more accessible. I explain why more indepthly in my FAQ's.

    Its totally understandable if £40 is too much which is why I'm pleased to run BooBee Milk Club on a Monday which is FREE to attend.

  • Absolutely. At Joy Connection we have great room that can accommodate lots of people. It also helps to have family support when it comes to your breastfeeding journey. So I actively encourage you to bring whoever you need to.

  • At this moment in time home visits aren’t possible due to me having my youngest with me all the time but this will definitely be something I offer in the future along with virtual support.

  • Absolutely! I’ve popped a ‘Book Sling Support’ button on the page so that you can book your appointment and hopefully join us for both feeding support and baby wearing help.

    If you find you can’t get consecutive appointments then don’t worry, Joy Connection is the best place to have a great hot drink and snack while you wait. It’s super family friendly and very welcoming.

  • You can click the book here buttons you can see on this page and that will take you straight to Joy Connections booking page.

  • I'm on a mission to make sure breastfeeding support is as accessible as possible. Unfortunately many families are unable to access specialist support due to financial barriers so by providing FREE feeding and social groups where possible I hope to break down some barriers to feeding support. At the moment BooBee Milk Club runs on a Monday 1-3pm at Joy Connection where you can come for a comforting hot drink, slice of cake and hopefully connect with other feeding parents whilst having any questions answered you may have around infant feeding.

Informed is Best


Informed is Best ❤️

Societal Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding offers a multitude of advantages that extend beyond the mother-baby relationship, benefiting society as a whole. By providing infants with the optimal nutrition for their growth and bolstering their immune defenses against infections, breastfeeding plays a pivotal role in shaping a healthier future generation.

Moreover, breastfeeding can contribute to the well-being of mothers during the postpartum period, aiding in their physical recovery and emotional health. The potential reduction in the risks of breast and ovarian cancer associated with breastfeeding further underscores its significance in promoting maternal health.

From a societal perspective, encouraging and supporting breastfeeding practices can lead to lower healthcare costs associated with treating various illnesses in both mothers and infants. Additionally, the emotional bond forged through breastfeeding cultivates a nurturing environment that can positively impact the overall well-being of families.

Therefore, recognising the societal advantages of breastfeeding highlights the importance of implementing policies and initiatives that promote breastfeeding practices to create a healthier and more resilient society.

Benefits for Mum

Breastfeeding is not only beneficial for the baby but also for the mother. Here are some advantages of breastfeeding for mothers:

  1. Regulation: Breastfeeding fosters a strong emotional bond between the mother and the baby. The skin-to-skin contact and closeness during nursing promote feelings of love and attachment and helps to regulate little ones temperature and heart rate.

  2. Reduced Risks: Mothers who breastfeed have a lower risk of certain health conditions such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and osteoporosis. It also helps in reducing the risk of postpartum depression.

  3. Faster Return to Sleep: Breastfeeding mothers often find that they can return to sleep more quickly after nighttime feedings compared to preparing formula, promoting better overall sleep quality.

  4. Enhanced Bonding: The close physical contact during breastfeeding releases oxytocin, known as the "love hormone," fostering emotional bonds and reducing stress for better relaxation.

  5. Menstrual Delay: Breastfeeding can delay the return of the mother's menstrual cycle, providing some relief from menstruation for a certain period.

Benefits for Baby

Breastfeeding offers numerous advantages for babies that contribute to their overall health and well-being.

  1. Nutritional Value: Breast milk is a complete source of nutrition for infants, providing essential nutrients such as proteins, fats, vitamins, and antibodies that support the baby's growth and development.

  2. Immune System Support: Breast milk contains antibodies and beneficial bacteria that help strengthen the baby's immune system, reducing the risk of infections, allergies, and chronic diseases.

  3. Brain Development: Breastfeeding has been linked to cognitive development due to the presence of essential fatty acids like DHA, which are crucial for brain growth and vision development.

  4. Emotional Bonding: The closeness and skin-to-skin contact during breastfeeding nurture a strong emotional bond between the baby and the mother, promoting feelings of security and comfort.

  5. Long-term Health Benefits: Research suggests that breastfed babies may have lower risks of obesity, diabetes, and certain childhood cancers later in life.

Breastfeeding is indeed natural, but natural like walking, not breathing. It’s a skill that needs support and education to evolve.